Teachers Students Teachers Full name MaleFemale Date of Birth: Mobile Number Whats app No. School/Institutions Name City AgraMathuraFirozabadShikohabadTundlaAligarhFatehpur SikriFatehabad Position/Title Your email Teaching Experience(Years) Subject Taught Grades Taught Highest Degree Specialization (if any): Preferred Workshop Date: 21 December 202422 December 202423 December 2024 Topics of Interest: Fundamental Physics ConceptsPractical DemonstrationsTeaching MethodologiesProblem-Solving TechniquesInquiry-Based LearningOthers How did you hear about this workshop? School AdministrationColleagueOnline AdvertisementSocial MediaOthers: Expectations from Workshop Declaration: I hereby declare that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the workshop. Students Full name MaleFemale Date of Birth: Mobile No. Whatsapp No. Parents Mobile No. Institute (School / College / University) Name: City AgraMathuraFirozabadShikohabadTundlaAligarhFatehpur SikriFatehabad Board ICSC/ISCCBSEUTTRAR PRADESH Class Information: 11th standard12th standardEngineering Your email How did you hear about this workshop? School AdministrationColleagueOnline AdvertisementSocial MediaOthers Declaration: I hereby declare that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the workshop.